support us
Campbeltown Brass is funded mainly by Membership subscriptions and fundraising, which includes concerts, sale of merchandise, coffee mornings and public donations.
As with any organisation, Campbeltown Brass has to meet various costs to keep the band running and functioning as effectively as possible. Costs such as:
Instruments (purchase of new instruments and maintenance)
Travel to and from competitions, which usually require an overnight stay and coach hire
Weekly hire of rooms for rehearsals
Music, materials and administration costs
External tuition and workshops
We appreciate any donation, however small, to keep Campbeltown Brass achieving its full potential, developing young talents and continue to make the opportunity of learning an instrument available to all.
One way to help raise funds for Campbeltown Brass without any cost to you is to shop through easyfundraising.org.uk. They help charities, clubs and community groups to raise money when their supporters shop online. You can shop with over 2,000 well known stores and each will donate up to 15% of what you spend. For example, John Lewis will donate 1%, Amazon 2.5% and so on.
The process is very simple:
Register with easyfundraising.org.uk
Click on “Support a good cause” on the website
Enter Campbeltown Brass in “Choose a good cause” and click “find”
Click “Support” next to Campbeltown Brass and enter your details
Find the retailer you want to shop with, click visit the retailer and start shopping
easyfundraising.org.uk will make a note of your purchase, collects the donation from the retailer and pass it onto Campbeltown Brass.
Click on the link below to start the registration process. Please remember, for Campbeltown Brass to receive the donation, you must shop through the easyfundraising website.
Thank you for your support.